Custom Home Site in Los Gatos

Carroll Engineering provided topographic and boundary surveys and site and off-site design for an approx. 16,600 sq. ft. home on 2.8-acres in Los Gatos in the County of Santa Clara.

The project included obtaining site and architectural approval from the County of Santa Clara. Preliminary and final grading plans and Storm Water Management Plans were processed through the County Planning & Engineering department.

The design including extensive geometric layout of the home, site amenities for a pool, playground, sports courts and circular driveway while saving trees and other site features.

Grading and drainage and utility plans were prepared and processed through the County of Santa Clara as were off-site minor street improvements. The grading and drainage plans required the preparation of a Storm Water Management Plan and Notice of Intent which included design of storm water runoff treatment facilities.

We worked closely with the architect, landscape architect and owner to be certain the design requirements were met.

3 Single Family Homes

Carroll Engineering provided boundary and topographic surveys and on and off-site design for 3 custom single family homes on Booksin Avenue in San Jose.

We provided surveys to subdivide the existing parcels to accommodate the new homes, including geometric layouts for the 3 new homes to fit the lots. Tentative and final parcel maps were processed through the City.

Grading and Drainage Plans were provided including individual lot grading designs.

Further work will be the final grading, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and C3 design for the site and complete new street frontage improvements for Blossom Hill Road and Snell Avenue including a new sanitary sewer lateral to Snell Avenue.

Casa Feliz Studios – 4-story, 60 Unit Residential Project

Carroll Engineering provide on-site and off-site surveys and design, including off-site public street improvements for this LEED certified single room occupancy low income housing project in downtown San Jose.

It has 60 units above grade over underground parking on a 0.34 acre site. This made for an interesting driveway access as well as storm drain disposal. The project included a green roof to mitigate the storm drain requirements.

Off-site public street improvements were included.

The project also required tentative and parcel map preparation to combine existing underlying lots into one single lot.

Carroll Engineering received an award for “Site Design for Storm Water Quality for Exemplary Private Project – Large Residential” features at the site.